- Under Table Based Shipping, I added a shipping method that I named "Local Home Delivery".
-The Shipping Basis is "Total Order Weight" and the Rate Unit is set to "Amount."
-Sort Order is "1"
-I then created a shipping region named "Irvine" which is the city my business is located
-In Shipping Region, under Shipping Region Definitions, I set the Property to "Zip Code", the Operator as "Equal", and the Value as the local zip code in Irvine. I repeated this for all the zip codes in Irvine that I want to offer local home delivery.
-Under the Shipping Rates, I entered "From" 0 "To" 12.50 ounces at a rate of "$2.00". In other words, my packaged coffee is set to weight "11.5" in my shopping cart under the product settings. So, when a person only buys one bag, they will be charged a Local Home Delivery charge of $2.00.
-The second rate reads "From" 12.50 "To" UP with a rate set at $0.00 which is where the free local home delivery kicks in. If someone buys (2) bags of coffee which will equal a weight of 23 oz. (2 X 11.50), then they satisfy the (2) bag minimum for free local home delivery and the shipping rate is $0.00.
The problem is none of these Local Home Delivery options are coming up during check out even if the zip code I enter into shipping details "equals" one of the zip codes I configured in the table.
Thank you much and I hope this makes sense.