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Last Post 2/1/2008 7:29:17 AM By ChuckNorris. 5 replies.
11/16/2007 4:59:04 PM
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Location:WA, US
The commerical edition DotShoppingCart Suite is released

 The commercial editon contains all the features that we provide for our enterprise web store. Check more detail at Again it contains all the UI source code plus one year free upgrade.

DotShoppingCart Staff
12/8/2007 10:37:09 PM
Posts: 21
Joined: 12/18/2007
Re: The commerical edition DotShoppingCart Suite is released

I think i am going to be the biggest fan of DotShoppoingcart from now on. And I will be more then happy to spend $500 for the commercial version. But can you please tell me what are the major feature difference between the public version and commercial version?

12/8/2007 11:43:27 PM
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Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: The commerical edition DotShoppingCart Suite is released

You could look at the quick comparision at The enterpise store is essentially the commerical version. There are some other differences as follows. You could remove powered by DotShoppingCart logo in commerical version. (We will be happier if you don't mind and keep the logo <img alt="" src="/Forums/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/Fck/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif" /> ). You will be provided the one year free software upgrade. Check for some ideas of our future plan. Commerical version doesn't have full soure code. It has all the UI source code but not core object source code. The reason are 1) seperate core objects from user modification and make it easier to upgrade to the newer version 2) license protection. If you do need source code, you need to sign a reference license agreement and we will release the source code to you.

Hope this help.

DotShoppingCart Staff
2/1/2008 12:49:26 AM
Posts: 2
Joined: 4/23/2008
Re: The commerical edition DotShoppingCart Suite is released

Is there a way to use the free version of DotShoppingCart without the mandatory logo requirement? My client would be willing to pay a reasonable fee to revoke the logo requirement.

Also, what are the exact terms of the "<span class="Forum_Normal" id="dnn_ctr374_Forum_PostEdit_lblMessage">reference license agreement</span>" ? Having burnt fingers previously (bought a closed source shopping cart, and when one of the shipping prividers changed their web service parameters, the application broke and they couldnt do anything because the company that made the product closed shop), my client prefers to have full source code and ability to modify it as per needs. (Merging future releases with our modifications, would be our responsibility)

Finally, what would be the pricing for future upgrades, beyond the free upgrade period?




2/1/2008 1:25:50 AM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: The commerical edition DotShoppingCart Suite is released

To remove the logo requirement, you could purchase our commercial edition DotShoppingCart Suite. Check details at It contains one year free upgrade. Upgrade to the future version will get some discount. But now it's too early to tell you discount rate.

<span class="Forum_Normal" id="dnn_ctr374_Forum_PostEdit_lblMessage">"Reference license agreement" allows you to view the most source code except the license control piece. You also need to agree not to distribute the source code and not to work around the license control piece. You could definitely change whatever you want thought.</span>

<span class="Forum_Normal" id="dnn_ctr374_Forum_PostEdit_lblMessage">If you just need to remove the logo requirement from the open source edition of DotShoppingCart, you could contact us via I think you could just pay a fee for one site.</span>

DotShoppingCart Staff
2/1/2008 7:29:17 AM
Posts: 2
Joined: 4/23/2008
Re: The commerical edition DotShoppingCart Suite is released

Thanks, I sent an email using the contact form earlier in the day... would be would be waiting for the response :)