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Last Post 4/11/2008 10:53:52 AM By lukezy. 3 replies.
4/8/2008 1:20:28 PM
Posts: 3
Joined: 4/23/2008
Custom mad UserControls within CMS page


Which is the easiest way to get an custom made standard ASP.NET UserControl into the CMS page. I saw that there where an HTML editor but didn´t find a way to insert a .ASCX UserControl


4/8/2008 4:36:58 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Custom mad UserControls within CMS page

I have created a blog entry describing how to do this.

DotShoppingCart Staff
4/10/2008 7:37:13 AM
Posts: 3
Joined: 4/23/2008
Re: Custom mad UserControls within CMS page

Ok, missed that, just thought that the most common thing for a CMS was left out. I think that I write it here even if it´s more like an request for a new feature. I think that for a common CMS user they just want to do things in the webbrowser and I don¨t think that everybode know and have access to manual insert stuff into the database everytime they want to add a new standard UserControl.

So why not just add a new funktion in the admin where the user can "browse" for usercontrols and then select the usercontrol the want and then give the UserControl an Alias or something and then the admin takes care of all the DB insert etc. Then let the User add those custom usercontrols directly within the HTML editor using tokens or from a special insert "usercontrol" botton. You can also extend that admin function to display the usercontrols public properties (if any) so that the usercontrol can be used as usual. And then also try to make the function working so that the usercontrols don´t have to be custom made just for this CMS. Right now you have to make changes in all usercontrols so that they can work within this CMS.



4/11/2008 10:53:52 AM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Custom mad UserControls within CMS page

We call the user control as block. There are the interfaces that block has to follow such as edit, configuration, header etc. End users usually don't have programming skills and don't know how to write ASP user control. End users just use the pre-configured blocks to build his pages. We think when someone needs to create custom block he probably already knows programming. There are techinical reasons that you cannot just dump any standard user control as block. If you would like make it happen, please feel free to contribute open source code.

DotShoppingCart Staff