Thank you for showing me the page break - that did the trick - to a degree...
I only seem to have 'Article List' - I don't see 'Article View' when adding a different or new block. I'm not sure if the 'Article View' works different, when working with the 'Article List' the behavior isn't quite as you've described. I've configured an article so that only registered users can view and add to the article. When navigating to the article as a non-registered user or non-logged in user, I'm not prompted to log in to see the full article. Although, there is an 'add comment' button there and clicking this does prompt me to log in.
I tried creating an additional non-public content group. The same problem as above occurs; non-registered users are not prompted to register.
I think creating an additional content group is suitable IF it were to prompt the non-registered user to register to read the material, but my only contention is that we'd have to maintain the articles in two different locations.
Am I doing something wrong? Might you have any other suggestions?
Thanks :)