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Last Post 1/28/2008 12:06:18 PM By ccyvas. 2 replies.
1/27/2008 7:53:50 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Open-Source based on DotShoppingCart?

Hey Luke!,

Have you or anybody else noticed other projects based on DotShoppingCart? I noticed dashCommerce and I must say that it amazed me that those guys have not mention or giving credit to your awesome DotShoppingCart solution. They now are releasing a new version similar to your Enterprise version and will charge for it as well. I'm just curious as to how people can just take things and not give credit. I mention it on their forums and my message was deleted as they don't seem to want others to know about you DotShoppingcart.

Anyways I stumble on your solution after knowing about dash and immediately knew I had found the original code, not to mention I was blown away and excited at the awesome features and capabilities of DotShoppingcart. I think you have a great product!

DotShoppingCart Staff
1/27/2008 9:19:30 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Open-Source based on DotShoppingCart?

Alex, glad you like DotShoppingCart. I don't mind people borrow ideas from our open source edition. It's a good thing that we are taking the lead and other projects are catching up.

I am very excited about the version 2. It will have a CMS (content managment system) framework  and shopping cart will become a module. The CMS site builder will be a leader in the industry. Maybe I need to spend more time writing posts. I will start a new thread about V2.

DotShoppingCart Staff
1/28/2008 12:06:18 PM
Posts: 1
Joined: 4/23/2008
Re: Open-Source based on DotShoppingCart?

Hey Guys,

I just wanted to pop in here to mention that dashCommerce is not based on your product. I run that project and I was not even aware of this project until this morning when someone posted links all over our forums. No worries though and best of luck to you all!
