Hi Luke
We've finally decided to go integrate our site with a payment gateway called PayGate. Ive gone as far as creating a paymentprovider class inheriting CreditCardPaymentProvider and implementing the gateway specific code in the AuthorizeOrSale method. Ive also added the 3rd party gateway to the enum in the paymenttransaction file and updating the payment_gateway_type lookup table accordingly. What I havent done so far is to update the DSC.config file's orderPipelineConfiguration section to set the process the pipeline service should follow.
I suspect it should be done as pasted below but need to confirm that with you
<add name="PayGate">
<clear />
<add name="OrderConfirmationEmail" />
<add name="InventoryStockCheck" />
<add name="CreditCardCapture" />
<add name="OrderPackageAndShip" />
<add name="OrderCompleteEmail" />
The questions I have in this regard are;
1.What part of the code does the name attribute value ("PayGate") have to correspond with ?
2.Id like to skip the call to the capture method in the payment provider and go directly to the AuthorizeOrSale method to authorize and settle a transaction in one step, how can I achieve this ?