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Last Post 4/23/2010 12:47:28 PM By lukezy. 4 replies.
4/20/2010 6:34:59 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: 4/20/2010
editting links under /Store/Product/ directory
Hi, which file would I need to edit in order to change a couple of links under this product page, more specifically of the three smaller product images under the "Enlarge" link. Instead of the link calling a popup box, I want to implement a lightbox variation.
4/21/2010 1:18:19 PM
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Re: editting links under /Store/Product/ directory
Take a look at web\Store\ProductDetail\DefaultTemplate.ascx
DotShoppingCart Staff
4/22/2010 2:37:33 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: 4/20/2010
Re: editting links under /Store/Product/ directory
Awesome, that worked. However is there a way to link to the product's largest images?
Here's what I have now:
<a href="<%=FileController.GetImageUrl(Product.DefaultImageId, ProductEnlargedImageWidth, ProductEnlargedImageHeight)%>" rel="colorbox_group"
where this used to be:
<a href="javascript:OpenPopupWindowFromMain()"
The code that I changed the link to only links to the default product image, is there a way to link to the main product images instead?
4/23/2010 12:45:55 PM
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Location:WA, US
Re: editting links under /Store/Product/ directory
You can loop inside Product.Images and use ImageId property.
DotShoppingCart Staff
4/23/2010 12:47:28 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: editting links under /Store/Product/ directory
You can also omit the last two parameters (see yellow background) to show the oringial size of the image.
FileController.GetImageUrl(Product.DefaultImageId, ProductEnlargedImageWidth, ProductEnlargedImageHeight)
DotShoppingCart Staff