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Last Post 12/24/2008 12:30:57 PM By lukezy. 1 replies.
12/23/2008 3:51:01 PM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Category Customization
Hi ,
These are Issues for me on Category handling :
1- How can I fix Left Navigation control in All pages. This way the user wont lose navigation (old Question)
2- The Category List by default ( first page ) should be Shrinked ( Only Top Level Shown ) There is always expanded.
3- How can I Shrink/Expand the List and browse between category, Sub Category and Product ( I check off all Narrow information not to be shown ) 
if this feature is not available now, please let me know when it will be?
12/24/2008 12:30:57 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Category Customization
I have already answered your first question in this thread.
For second and third that's where customization comes in. Feel free to change the category page to fit what you want. We won't implement everyone's perferred page display.
DotShoppingCart Staff