I am using the gift wrap option as we need to add a gift message but we dont want to charge a price for it. So i have set the price to zero, evrything works fine.
My only issue is that it adds to the Order Total at the bottom of our order summary. I need to not display or hide this.
I disabled this code but then the gift message is not entered to the database.
if (null != Session["AddGiftWrap"])
//decimal giftWrapAmount = CommercialStoreConfigurationSection.GetSection().GiftWrapPriceAdjustment;
//totals[totals.Count - 1].Amount += giftWrapAmount; // GrandTotal
//totals.Insert(1, new OrderTotal("Gift Wrap", giftWrapAmount, includeGiftWrapMessage ? (string)Session["GiftWrapMessage"] : null));
So i need to add the gift message to the order/database but I dont want to display the gift message in the order totoal for the order summaries/emails etc.