an ASP.NET Open Source CMS & eCommerce platform
Last Post 2/23/2009 3:55:55 PM By Bahram. 3 replies.
2/20/2009 3:47:04 PM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Site Name
Hi Luke,
The Site Name on Admin Section , Also appear on Page Titles, How can we set another keyword or nothing instead of Site Name.
2/22/2009 9:56:16 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Site Name

Check web\admin.master.cs file.


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

        lnkIcon.Href = FileController.GetFileUrl("favicon.ico");

        Page.Title = SiteName + (null != SiteMap.CurrentNode ? " - " + SiteMap.CurrentNode.Title : "");

DotShoppingCart Staff
2/23/2009 2:25:37 PM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Site Name
Does the Solution need to be Built?
2/23/2009 3:55:55 PM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Site Name
I commented SiteNAme but it wont Work.
Actually I mean Windows Page Title which is SiteNAme + ProductNAme + .....