Thanks Lukezy
I am still unsure of a few things.
For my home page I want to display a featured top 4. I have added a product list and set the product type so Featured Products. So for this the lowest sort ordered products (0 -10) wil be displayed first.
I would like to display another product list on the home page with the next level of featured products. How can I display the next 20 featured products?
Should i use another product list or do I have to add custom product list to the database. If so I am unsure how to select the next 20 featured products.
Product.GetProducts(type, ProductItemsPerPage, (pageNumber - 1) * ProductItemsPerPage, sortby, manufacturer, priceFrom, priceTo,
StoreConfigurationSection.GetSection().ShowStock, out totalNumber);
I got the featured category products (top 4) displayed using the sort field under the categories. I will be displaying these products like this
I am using this code for the above.
List<Product> products = Product.GetProducts(CategoryPath, 4,1, ProductSortBy.FeaturedItem, Manufacturer, PriceFrom, PriceTo, StoreConfigurationSection.GetSection().ShowStock, out totalNumber);
This displays the top 4 featured products.
What I want to do next is display the rest of the category products that are not the top 4 featured (using a different layout ) below the the top 4 listing like the reference web site above. Do i have to add another DataList to CategoryProductList.ascx for this and how do I select these?
Thanks for all your help Lukezy