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Last Post 6/24/2009 10:31:21 AM By Bahram. 0 replies.
6/24/2009 10:31:21 AM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
A very Simple Multi Currency Feature Solution
Currently the DSC supports on one currency. This mau fit small stores or businesses. but in the time of Globalization and International businesses, many small businesses ( 20-50 employee) have overseas customers. 
There is no Name and Sysmbol setting for Currency. e.g How can we denote $XXXXX are all US Dollars. yes We can do by  some comments on web pages.
Supporting this feature in DSC is pretty easy.
Just one Table for Currecny Definition : Symbol, Name and Exchange rate base on one of the rows as Reference :
Symbol              Country            Name                                Abbreviation                 Rate          Status     
$                         USA                   US Dollar                         USD                               1.00           Active
$                         Canada            Canadian Dollar            CAD                                1.22           Active
€                          Europe             Euro Dollar                     Euro                                0.80          Active
$                          Australia          Australian Dollar                                                                       Inactive
There should be extra columns as you know your system. but one currency is the reffrence and default that all prices are based on that.
On the Order Checkout page if user selects a currency from a list then OrderTolta will be multiplied by that factor.
It is up to the Admin to updated Currency exhnage rates.
The application have alwasys one Active Currency. Based on the marketing areas of the business they (DSC licensee)  can let their user select the currency they support,
For example we have customers in US, Canada and Europe.
When User selects a currency, all prices are showed ( not saved ) by multiplying the exchange rate Factor thru all the shopping cart process.
We (Licencee) are  responsible for updating the exchange rates regularly just like price lists and other stock items.