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Last Post 8/4/2008 1:22:47 PM By Linden. 17 replies.
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7/1/2008 9:47:04 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: 6/30/2008
Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

I was trying out the Demo, running it on my PC.

I deleted all the items from the Demo Categories except 1, but it still says I have (5) (3) and (2) respectively in the category lists.. I click on it.. And it only shows the one that I didn't delete. But it doesn't update the lists to show there is only 1 product.

I also tested adding more products and the totals don't reflect higher product levels as well.



7/1/2008 10:08:04 PM
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Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

Check this thread.

DotShoppingCart Staff
7/2/2008 6:18:56 AM
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Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.


    I re-created the application in IIS7 and it worked.


7/2/2008 6:34:54 AM
Posts: 4
Joined: 6/30/2008
Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

Nevermind it's back.. 

    I'm sure it has something to do with configuration this application on IIS 7.


8/2/2008 7:14:55 PM
Posts: 32
Joined: 3/19/2008
Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

I'm having the same issue as well with version 2.11. It's interesting to note that the totals are correct in the category configuration section, just not on the menus.

Do you still think it's an orderpipeline configuration issue? I have the following entries in my web.config so I don't have to run the orderpipeline windows service. Does this look correct? Is there anything else I should check to be sure the orederpipeline is working?


<!-- the following two sections, orderPipelineServiceConfiguration and taskConfiguration are for moving
the OrderPipline from a windows service to the web application-->
<orderPipelineServiceConfiguration defaultProvider="">
<!-- name must match with the entries in DSC_OrderPipeline_Processor_lkp, DSC_Order_Status_lkp -->
<add name="OrderConfirmationEmail" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.ComOrderEmailProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" emailTemplate="OrderConfirmation" />
<add name="CreditCardAuthorization" type="DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.OrderPipeline.CreditCardProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.OrderPipeline" action="Authorization" />
<add name="CreditCardCapture" type="DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.OrderPipeline.CreditCardProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.OrderPipeline" action="Capture" />
<add name="PaypalExpressCapture" type="DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.OrderPipeline.PaypalExpressProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.OrderPipeline" action="Capture" />
<add name="OrderCompleteEmail" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.ComOrderEmailProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" emailTemplate="OrderComplete" />
<add name="GoogleCheckoutCapture" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.GoogleCheckoutProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" action="Capture" />
<add name="CreateGiftCertificate" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.CreateGiftCertificateProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" />
<add name="RecurringBillingUpdate" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.RecurringBillingUpdateProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" />
<add name="GoogleCheckoutShipAndArchive" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.GoogleCheckoutProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" action="ShipAndArchive" />
<add name="RecurringInvoiceEmail" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.ComOrderEmailProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" emailTemplate="RecurringInvoice" />
<add name="RecurringOrderProcess" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.RecurringOrderProcessorProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" />
<taskConfiguration defaultProvider="">
<add name="DataRefresh" type="DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.OrderPipeline.DataRefreshTaskProvider, DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.OrderPipeline" />
<add name="EmailCampaign" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.EmailCampaignTaskProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" dailyMaxCount="5000" />
<add name="DailyCleanup" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.DailyCleanupTaskProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" taskRunInterval="1440" startat="160" />
<add name="TopSellerReset" type="DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.TopSellerResetTaskProvider, DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline" taskRunInterval="43200" startat="200" />

8/3/2008 12:06:05 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

Try restarting the IIS app pool to see if it fixes your problem. If not, check the exception in the eventlog.

DotShoppingCart Staff
8/3/2008 12:22:19 PM
Posts: 32
Joined: 3/19/2008
Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

I see the problem on a live site and debugging in VS2008 using the ASP.NET Development Server. Again, I am not running the pipeline as a Windows service but rather in the ASP.Net application.

8/3/2008 12:59:22 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

Does it repro on your dev environment?

Also you could try running the following SQL script to see if it fixes your problem.

EXEC DSC_Category_Populate_Manufacture_Count 0, 0

EXEC DSC_Category_Populate_PriceRange_Count 0, 0

DotShoppingCart Staff
8/3/2008 1:24:22 PM
Posts: 32
Joined: 3/19/2008
Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

Yes, I see this in my dev environment with a clean install and pipeline running within application.

Running the SQL scripts restored the menu totals to the correct amounts until I added more products. The new products were not shown in the totals.

8/3/2008 2:30:52 PM
Posts: 2109
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Location:WA, US
Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

Ok, it seems that your OrderPipeline is not running. Try setting up a breakpoint at OrderPipelineController.Start(); in Global.asax to see if it runs.

DotShoppingCart Staff
8/3/2008 2:45:42 PM
Posts: 32
Joined: 3/19/2008
Re: Category List - Item Totals are incorrect.

Yes, that appears to be the case. There is nothing in the global.asax that seems to be starting the orderpipeline. There is nothing at all in Application_Start, Session_Start, or Application_BeginRequest. A search of the entire solution returned no results for OrderPipelineController.Start().

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