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Last Post 4/6/2008 7:24:16 PM By Linden. 2 replies.
4/6/2008 1:00:39 PM
Posts: 32
Joined: 3/19/2008
Use dedicated SSL certificate

On the Miscellaneous tab of <span>Home > </span><span>Admin</span><span> > </span><span>Site</span><span> > </span><span>General is a checkbox labeled Use Dedicated SSL Certificate. I'm not sure what the purpose of this is and the online help doesn't describe this option. My web hosting site is already set up with an SSL certificate for our domain name. What is the effect of checking this box?</span>



4/6/2008 3:01:57 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Use dedicated SSL certificate is updated with the description about this check box. Short answer is that check this if you have SSL installed for your site.

DotShoppingCart Staff
4/6/2008 7:24:16 PM
Posts: 32
Joined: 3/19/2008
Re: Use dedicated SSL certificate

Ah, so it adds https:// to links to sensitive areas of the site. Having worked with it now myself I would caution others not to enable it if you are debugging on you local machine and your local web server, like the ASP.NET Development Server, is not configured for SSL. You'll find yourself unable to log in or access the administration site. The fix, of course, is to set ownSSL="false" in the siteConfiguration section of DSC.config.
