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Last Post 5/26/2008 9:44:47 PM By mjg. 2 replies.
5/26/2008 12:29:12 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: 5/26/2008
Install problems with Vista...

I'm wondering if, perhaps, there isn't more to the install under Vista.

I'm getting 404 errors for /store/cart.aspx, /login.aspx, /register.aspx... basically any page but the home page. I installed the most recent copy from CodePlex. Any thoughts?

5/26/2008 1:44:17 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Install problems with Vista...

It's probably the UrlRewriter HttpModule that doesn't work in Vista. Try running it under Classic .NET App pool to see if it helps.

DotShoppingCart Staff
5/26/2008 9:44:47 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: 5/26/2008
Re: Install problems with Vista...

Awesome! That solved the problem. Thanks so much for the tip... Now I can start playing with this...