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Last Post 7/7/2008 12:40:57 AM By gareth. 4 replies.
7/4/2008 12:05:10 AM
Posts: 5
Joined: 6/24/2008
Encryption Key....

Thanks for your help Luke, i have got past my earlier issues.  What is the encryption key part of the instdsc line?  Is every encrytion path different and what is mine? Im using SQL server 2005.  Thanks (ill get there in the end, your help is appreciated!)

 The install process fires up but kicks out and disply the message : 'An unhandled exception [system.applicationexception] occured in instdsc.exe [1640]

The line i use is :

InstDSC.exe .\work-akj52nhfch fastenerstop d:\dbdata d:\key

What is wrong? (my local drive is d:, my server name is work-akj52nhfch and my database name should be fastenerstop............


7/4/2008 12:43:06 AM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Encryption Key....

You missed the most important error message. Please post back the exception stack.

DotShoppingCart Staff
7/5/2008 10:26:58 AM
Posts: 5
Joined: 6/24/2008
Re: Encryption Key....

Hi, i get : sqlcmd: error: microsoft sql native client: login timeout expired

I have allowed remote connections in the surface area configuration tool, any ideas what could be the problem now? 


7/5/2008 11:33:59 AM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Encryption Key....

I guess they provide you a username and password to log in to the SQL server, right? If so, it's called SQL login. Check this thread for how to use sql login.

DotShoppingCart Staff
7/7/2008 12:40:57 AM
Posts: 5
Joined: 6/24/2008
Re: Encryption Key....

Hi, Im using windows authentication on the sql database - i dont need a username & password....

I have tested the connection on another application & i use the string :

<connectionString="Server=work-akj52nhfch\fastenerstop;Database=Fastenerstop;Trusted_Connection=yes;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

What is wrong? I am trying to install dotshopping cart on my local server, not remotly to a host.....

I have also tried to install using work-akj52nhfch\fastenerstop (to identify the instance)

Id really like to test your cart out as going to purchase one very soon!
