running the installation and get the following error:
C:\websites\localuser\dotshoppingcart\Install>InstDSC.exe isaiah dotshoppingcart
d:\mssql\data c:\websites\localuser\dotshoppingcart\key isaiah john@goldrushtec
Creating database isaiah.dotshoppingcart at d:\mssql\data ...
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part
of the path 'd:\mssql\data\FTData\dotshoppingcart'.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path,
DirectorySecurity dirSecurity)
at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path, DirectorySecurity directo
at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
at DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.Core.Utils.EnsurePathExist(String path) in D:\s
ites\OpenSourceEdition\Core\Utils.cs:line 421
at DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.Core.DBDeployment.CreateDSCDatabase(String serv
er, String dbName, String path, Boolean outputToConsole) in D:\sites\OpenSourceE
dition\Core\DBDeployment.cs:line 30
at InstDSC.InstDSC.CreateDB() in D:\sites\OpenSourceEdition\InstDSC\Program.c
s:line 94
at InstDSC.InstDSC.Install() in D:\sites\OpenSourceEdition\InstDSC\Program.cs
:line 86
at InstDSC.InstDSC.Main(String[] args) in D:\sites\OpenSourceEdition\InstDSC\
Program.cs:line 81
The SQL server is on a differnt server to the web server.
the path I am specifying is on the SQL server
path d:\mssdl\data\ftdata\dotshoppingcart hasn't been created.
No idea where the d:\sites\OpenSourceEdition.... is coming from. The web server doesn't have a d drive.
Web Server is Windows 2003 Web Edtion
SQL server is SBS server.
Running as domain admin user.
open source version of DotShoppingCart