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Last Post 9/11/2009 12:54:20 PM By RobWellsKY. 2 replies.
9/10/2009 4:38:32 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: 10/30/2008
Move DotShoppingCart to New Server
I am attempting to move a DotShoppingCart from one server (Windows 2003) to another (Windows 2008).
The logo, categories, sub-categories, text based links, and search box are showing up on the new server.  Since the custom categories that I created on the old server are showing up fine on the new server, I know that I am able to connect to the database successfully.
I copied the entire folder folder with the App_Code, App_Data, Store, etc. folders from the old server to the new server.
The problem is that when I click on any of the following links:
/Store/Category/Embroidered Specialty Gifts.aspx (or any custom category)

The resource cannot be found.

</span> Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.  Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /cart/Store/Category/Embroidered Specialty Gifts.aspx
Where are the files like Login.aspx stored on the old server, so that I can move them to the new server?  I have done a search on the entire C: and D: drive on the server, but I cannot find these .aspx files.
9/11/2009 9:19:00 AM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Move DotShoppingCart to New Server
We are using URL redirecting in DotShoppingCart. Take a look at module.config and you can see how things bound together. The login page is under web\controls\core\login.ascx. I guess the DotShoppingCart that you were using was a very old version. To support Windows 2008 you can either run the app pool in classic mode.
DotShoppingCart Staff
9/11/2009 12:54:20 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: 10/30/2008
Re: Move DotShoppingCart to New Server
I am using the 2.0 Version of DotShoppingCart.
Below is what I did to solve this problem on Windows 2008 Server / IIS 7:


To run the app at "Classic .NET AppPool":

1.  Open IIS 7

2.  Select the web app at the left panel

3.  Click "Basic Settings" at the right panel to edit the application setting.

4.  Click the Select button next to the Appplication pool. It will open a dialog that will let you change it to "Classic .NET AppPool"

Note: If you can't see the "Classic .NET AppPool" in the list, you can enable it by adding IIS6 Compatibility from Control Panel --> Programs and Features --> Turn windows features on or off.