Hey Luke,
I am trying to install v4 on my machine and i am getting this error. After the error the installation crashes.d
C:\Ver4\Install>InstDSC.exe .\SQLExpress dotshoppingcart4 c:\dbdata2 c:\key2 exgsrv01 IT@cellucomgroup.com
Creating database .\SQLExpress.dotshoppingcart4 at c:\dbdata2 ...Running sqlcmd
-E -S .\SQLExpress -v DatabaseName="dotshoppingcart4" DefaultDataPath="c:\dbdata
2\" -i "C:\Ver4\Install\CreateDB.sql" -b
Changed database context to 'master'.
Creating dotshoppingcart4...
Msg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Server DEV-MACHINE\SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Directory lookup for the file "c:\dbdata2\dotshoppingcart4.mdf" failed with the
operating system error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).
Msg 1802, Level 16, State 1, Server DEV-MACHINE\SQLEXPRESS, Line 1
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check relat
ed errors.