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Last Post 5/27/2010 4:38:00 PM By Bahram. 0 replies.
5/27/2010 4:38:00 PM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Page Editor Error when JScript Block is on the content
Default.aspx [Dynamic]
First break:
  $('.blockEditor[containerId="212"]').draggable({opacity: 0.7, revert: true, scroll: true} )
        over: function(ev,ui) {
            $(this).addClass( parseInt($(this).attr('index')) < parseInt($(ui.draggable).attr('index')) ? 'upline' : 'underline');},
        out: function(ev,ui) {
        drop:function(ev,ui) {
           //alert($(ui.draggable).attr('index') + ':' + $(this).attr('index'));
           $('#ctl00_masterContainerTop_hidMoveInfo212').val($(ui.draggable).attr('blockId') + ':' + $(this).attr('blockId'));
Second break:
function showDialog(title, width, height, url) {
      {modal: true,
       title: title,
       width: width,
       height: height,
       overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: 'black' },
       resize: function(event, ui) { $("#ifmEditBlock").contents().find(".fckeditorTextArea").height($(this).height()); },
       buttons: { 'Ok': function() { window.frames.ifmEditBlock.Update(); },
                  'Cancel': function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }
   $('#ifmEditBlock').attr('src', url);