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Last Post 6/4/2010 11:09:24 AM By Bahram. 7 replies.
6/3/2010 2:17:22 PM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
 We need to have this feature ASAP :
Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
Where in source I can do this : I want coupon code and value to be showed on check out and on Invoice in case of 0%
6/4/2010 9:50:22 AM
Posts: 2109
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Location:WA, US
Re: Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
I am not clear what you are trying to do. Could you please descript what's the current behavior and what's your target behavir?
DotShoppingCart Staff
6/4/2010 10:08:58 AM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
 We want to have a promotion ( coupon ), The coupon will be applied to any purchase during the dates specified. But if it is 0% then it won't show on Invoice or checkout.
We want to have the coupon description and % value in case it was 0% or any number near 0 like  0.001% or 0.0001%.
Let say this way : if there is coupon in Invoice it should be printed or showed , regardless of value :
6/4/2010 10:20:48 AM
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Re: Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
You can take a look at GetOrderTotal() UserControls\CheckoutUserControl.cs .
DotShoppingCart Staff
6/4/2010 10:37:01 AM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
 Where is UserControls? in core component or DSC Suite
6/4/2010 10:46:42 AM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
 I found it, the only code is :
if (couponAmount < 0 ) {
What change I need to do? If the amount is negative then it operates. Does it works also with the Hotfix userControl.dll you already sent?
6/4/2010 10:59:33 AM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
I need to clarify what I want :  Actually I want the code for this situation :
If an order has coupon applied by user, then the value (including 0% ) and desc of coupon showed on the Invoice.
Not at any time for all orders.
6/4/2010 11:09:24 AM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Coupon printed/showed in case of any value (including 0%)
 I need your Hotfix code to apply it with this new tweak. otherwise I still have the old bug.