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Last Post 9/13/2010 1:16:26 PM By Bahram. 13 replies.
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9/2/2010 1:04:31 PM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Continue Shopping does not work on IE8

Hi Luke

This is the current code in source at Store/ItemAddedToCart

btnContinueShopping.OnClientClick = string.Format("window.location.href='{0}';return false;",
                    null == Request.UrlReferrer ? cartItem.Product.AbsoluteUrl : Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri);

It does work on all browsers except IE8
9/3/2010 11:05:19 AM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
 Are you going to send fix code for this issue ( check if browser is IE the ..... ) or not?  
9/6/2010 9:50:22 PM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
It works fine to me in IE8.
DotShoppingCart Staff
9/6/2010 9:57:31 PM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
 What works fine? and What is fine? 
9/6/2010 10:10:20 PM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
You can try it in one of our demo sites bookstore
DotShoppingCart Staff
9/7/2010 9:10:30 AM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
Have  you tested on two browsers or just IE.  I wonder how you did your test, but this is mine: 
1- I went to your bookstore
2-Added to Cart the first item ( Alexander .....)
On Chrome it leads me to   which is correct
On IE8 it leads me the product page I was already:
This is error and wrong, since I just added this item to my cart and by continue shopping I mean I want to shop other Items.
you can test this feature on nearly any site ( Apple, Dell .....) continue shopping lead to main category-Product Page. 
9/7/2010 9:32:11 AM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
The designed behavior is to go back to the product page. If you don't like it, please feel free to change it.
DotShoppingCart Staff
9/7/2010 10:09:39 AM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
This is not a proper reply: Do what you want to do , go where you want to go ....... 
Just bring an example of continue shopping that goes to the product page. Go to any ecommerce site on the web, famous or not famous and see what continue shopping does.
neither of them goes to product page.  It is not my design it is what the world says and does.
The fact is there is actually no-design or no-plan on continue shopping in DSC.  As I showed you It is not only your design that is defected but your code too. The code does not have the same action in IE as it has on other browsers. At least  provide a code that act on all browsers the same.
9/7/2010 11:42:16 AM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
 How we can fetch Category page from CartItem object : http://XXXX/Store/Category/CCCCC/SSSSS.aspx
instead of  cartItem.Product.AbsoluteUrl
9/8/2010 9:32:48 AM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
From Product you can get its Category and then you can get the url.
DotShoppingCart Staff
9/10/2010 9:41:01 AM
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Re: Continue Shopping does not work on IE8
 Also how can I check the state of form itemAddedtoCart,
I want to differentiate the product AddtoCart button with  crossSell addtoCart button.
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