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Last Post 9/14/2010 10:31:53 AM By Bahram. 0 replies.
9/14/2010 10:31:53 AM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Solution for Continue Shopping function for DSC
Note :
DSC has failed to provide a solution for navigation on continue shopping button. Usually the button should lead customer to other products or other categories for more shopping. Instead of that continue shopping just goes to the product detal page ehich has been already added to cart.
We need to keep track of last URL before the item adding to cart.
1 - I created a static variable in AddToCartButton resource. This is may target page and then
2-  Make refernce to this target from source page when It is called
1- On Store/ProdutSummary/AddtoCartButton.ascx.cs
Add the codes
 public partial class Store_ProductSummary_AddToCartButton : ProductSummaryUserControl
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         UrlString = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString();
    static string UrlString = "";
    public String MostRecentUrl
       get { return UrlString; }
2- On Store/ItemAddedToCart.ascx
Add this Line:
<%@ Reference Control="/Store/ProductSummary/AddToCartButton.ascx" %>
3- On Store/ItemAddedToCart.ascx.cs
Replace Commented code  this New code:
ProductInCart1.LastAddedCartItem = cartItem;
Store_ProductSummary_AddToCartButton a = new Store_ProductSummary_AddToCartButton();
btnContinueShopping.OnClientClick = string.Format("window.location.href='{0}';return false;", a.MostRecentUrl);
//btnContinueShopping.OnClientClick = string.Format("window.location.href='{0}';return false;", null == Request.UrlReferrer ? cartItem.Product.AbsoluteUrl : Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri);