Hey Luke,
I am getting this error from the orderpipeline email processor on my test environment. I am using EmailManager.Send() at couple of other places in the code and its working fine. Its sending the emails. The only place emails are not being sent is the orderpipeline.
Here is the working code: This is on the UserEdit Page. There is a button that sends this email out when the account is approved.
EmailManager.Send(SiteNavigation.GetHost(),"AccountApproval", tokens, SiteConfigurationSection.GetSection().SiteEmailAddress, new string[] { DSCUser.Email }, salesRepemails);
The one in the orderpipeline is throwing the error.
EmailManager.Send(host, emailTemplate, tokens, siteSection.SiteEmailAddress,new string[] { order.Email }, bcc);
What I am not able to figure out is that its the same function which is being called at both places. It works at one and throws the error at other.
Any ideas?