I have installed .Net 4 client profle and .net 4 extender, but nothing changed, still can't show any thing regarding sitemetrics in site admin.
for your notes I have the following:
OS win2003 R2 Standard edition sp2
Application pool Asp.net 4
Asp.net version 4.0.30319
and when I run command 'ServiceModelReg.exe –i' show me message as below
"[Error]Switch '-c' requires a component to be specified for installation or uninstallation. please specify which componenets to install or uninsstall."
I try to run 'ServiceModelReg.exe –i -c:httpnamespace' show me message "[warning] the HTTP namespace reservation already exists."
also I have the DotShoppingCartSuiteV4.1Source and I updated the client element as below:
<endpoint address="https://www.mysite.com/Admin/Service/SiteMetrics.svc"
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_SiteMetrics"
contract="SiteMetrics.SiteMetrics" name="BasicHttpBinding_SiteMetrics" />
please advise me if I miss any step.