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Last Post 7/10/2013 10:19:56 AM By timofeia. 2 replies.
7/10/2013 8:23:14 AM
Posts: 31
Joined: 3/21/2013
Duplication for App_Data folder

I was using different values for "InstallPath" in Web.config (my web site is on



<add name="InstallPath" value=""/>

but after placing the order I always get a duplicate for App_Data folder like error messages below show:

Order Processor (OrderConfirmationEmail) failed due to Access to the path 'C:\WP_CC\web\App_Data\App_Data\Templates\dsc' is denied.. [Delayed - Order Under Review]


Order Processor (OrderConfirmationEmail) failed due to Access to the path 'App_Data\App_Data\Templates\dsc' is denied.. [Delayed - Order Under Review] (this message I've got where I updated value="")

Second day cannot resolve this problem. Maybe I should create App_Data\Templates\dsc INSIDE the App_Data folder? It looks silly. What could be done to eliminate the duplication App_Data\App_Data?

Thank you

7/10/2013 9:06:08 AM
Posts: 31
Joined: 3/21/2013
Re: Duplication for App_Data folder

Some additional information:

My ABSOLUTE Hosting Path for GoDaddy web site is:


7/10/2013 10:19:56 AM
Posts: 31
Joined: 3/21/2013
Re: Duplication for App_Data folder
Started working after I fixed the "InstallPath" in web.config. Problem solved.