I was testing something out, and if I don't have the Credit Card information listed in my account and I go to checkout, I get these errors on the site:
<div style="color: Red;" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMain_container_container_Block_22_wzdCheckout_paymentOption_vdsCreditCard">The following error(s) were found:
- Credit Card No. is required
- Cardholder's Name is required
- Expiration Date should be later than today.
- CVV2 Code is required
- Card Issuer Telephone is required
Is there anyway to make it so that these aren't required to be stored in the database and they can just input it into PayPal's payment structure. I think I'm losing a lot of sells this way, because on Analytics, it shows people making it up to this point and then stopping....