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Last Post 7/7/2008 10:47:24 AM By lukezy. 1 replies.
7/7/2008 10:37:48 AM
Posts: 1
Joined: 7/7/2008
Anyone sucessfully deployed to GoDaddy?

I have hosting service with GoDaddy. I am trying to decide between this package versus another.

Has anyone tried to deploy this application on GoDaddy? I know GoDaddy deos restrict some settings on both SQL Server 2005 and  IIS. I want to make sure the application will run on GOdaddy's server before goin forward. Thanks

7/7/2008 10:47:24 AM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Anyone sucessfully deployed to GoDaddy?

You probably want to use at least VPC rather than the shared hosting plan. If you go with the shared hosting plan, you are risking the great danger of exposing your customers' confidential data. You won't pass PCI certification either. Please think twice when considering the security versus cost saving.

DotShoppingCart Staff