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Last Post 10/25/2008 1:41:25 AM By ciaran. 5 replies.
10/24/2008 8:07:09 AM
Newmedia Design
Posts: 65
Joined: 9/25/2008
Nested Category List with Manufacturers
With the categorylist block the Categories are displayed. The subcategories are also listed using a nested repeater control on page load. Is it possible to also have the manufacturers/brands displayed on page load instead of having to click on a category/subcategory to load them?
I tried using this code nested within the main rptCategories repeater but it doesnt seem to work. Can anybody help me please?
<asp:Repeater id="rptManufacturer"  datasource='<%# Eval("ManufacturerCounts") %>'  runat="server">
                                                <a class="bar" href="<%# categoryUrl %>?manufacturer=<%# Eval("Manufacturer.Name")%>">
                            <span><%# Eval("Manufacturer.Name")%><span id="Span2" runat="server" class="ProductCount"
                                visible='<%# categoryListData.ShowProductCount %>'>(<%# Eval("Count") %>)</span></span>
10/24/2008 2:16:44 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Nested Category List with Manufacturers
Do you want manufacturers displayed inside categories? Or at the top level? If later, then it might be easy to have a manufacturer list block.
DotShoppingCart Staff
10/25/2008 1:41:22 AM
Posts: 16
Joined: 8/25/2008
Re: Nested Category List with Manufacturers
Hi Lukezy
We are going to have both.
Wee going to have a right side navigation with 3 levels.
10/25/2008 1:41:23 AM
Posts: 16
Joined: 8/25/2008
Re: Nested Category List with Manufacturers
Hi Lukezy
We are going to have both.
Wee going to have a right side navigation with 3 levels.
10/25/2008 1:41:24 AM
Posts: 16
Joined: 8/25/2008
Re: Nested Category List with Manufacturers
Hi Lukezy
We are going to have both.
Wee going to have a right side navigation with 3 levels.
10/25/2008 1:41:25 AM
Posts: 16
Joined: 8/25/2008
Re: Nested Category List with Manufacturers
Hi Lukezy
We are going to have both.
Wee going to have a right side navigation with 3 levels.
  - Subcategory
     - Manufacturer
These all need to be loaded when the page loads so we will not have a click event to load manufacturers seperately.
We are also going to have a manufacturer page which will display a list of all manufacturers with their logos. We will then want to be bale to click on a logo and products fot that manufacturer to load/disply.
Any help or would be greately appreciated.