Hi Lukezy
The culture setting for the OS is
windows 2003
All Regional and Language settings are all set to English(Irish) which is correct.
Is there anywhere else or any other setting I can check that I might be missing?
Its the clients dedicated server so we dont have the option to move host unfortunately.
The project will have to be scrapped as we can't send our emails with dollar signs.
So if you can think of anything, anything at all would be great.
You mentioned putting this code in the code behind page
protected override void InitializeCulture() {
string culture = SiteConfigurationSection.GetSection().Culture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(culture);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(culture);
what pages would i add this to for when order confirmation and order complete emais are sent?
Thanks Lukezy