There is no Name and Sysmbol setting for Currency. e.g How can we denote $XXXXX are all US Dollars. yes We can do by some comments on web pages.
There is a need for a Currency Table consisting of Symbol and Name and Exchange rate base on one of the rows as Reference :
Symbol Country Name Abbreviation Rate Status
$ USA US Dollar USD 1.00 Active
$ Canada Canadian Dollar CAD 1.22 Active
€ Europe Euro Dollar Euro 0.80 Active
$ Australia Australian Dollar Inactive
The application have alwasys one Active Currency. Based on the marketing areas of the business they (DSC licensee) can let their user select the currency they support,
For example we have customers in US, Canada and Europe.
When User selects a currency, all prices are showed ( not saved ) by multiplying the exchange rate Factor thru all the shopping cart process.
We (Licencee) are responsible for updating the exchange rates regularly just like price lists and other stock items.