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Last Post 4/6/2009 9:17:12 AM By lukezy. 1 replies.
4/6/2009 12:44:09 AM
Posts: 31
Joined: 11/2/2008
Location:Melboune Australia
Errors Rendoring Controls
I'm getting errors when I view the designer to see Ajax Controls.
for example, in the ProductEdit.aspx it says
FormView - fvwProduct
There was an error rendoring the control
A ScriptManager is required on the page to use ASP.NET AJAX Script Components.
I've install Ajax, but I've obviously missed something.
<img alt="" src="file:///C:/Users/john/AppData/Local/Temp/1/moz-screenshot.jpg" />
4/6/2009 9:17:12 AM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Errors Rendoring Controls
You just need to add a ScriptManager to the page.
DotShoppingCart Staff