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Last Post 4/25/2009 5:50:24 PM By Bahram. 12 replies.
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4/23/2009 12:37:44 PM
Posts: 878
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Sale of a Product with Negative Stock Quantity
 Hi Luke,
Can I add a cross sale product to Cart, With a negative Qty
4/23/2009 9:20:17 PM
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Location:WA, US
Re: Adding a CrossSale Product with Negative Quantity
No, negative quantity is not supported. What's the business reasoning?
DotShoppingCart Staff
4/24/2009 9:22:53 AM
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Sale of a Product with Negative Stock Quantity
Hi Luke,
It is very Obvious, That is a key feature of Inventory systems :
It is like Credit/Debit values of Accounting system. 
+ means you have N items of product X
- menas you owe N items of Product X
1 -Online Stores should not stop customers order processing ....  Suppose there are 4 qty of Product X, if a user buys 8, the order should process, and The inventory will supply 
2- Online store does not represent physical inventory quantities
3- A negative Qty means that there are products need to be supplied
Please fix this ASAP.... it is an essaential requiremnt and currently a bug in the system.
4/24/2009 12:17:04 PM
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Re: Adding a CrossSale Product with Negative Quantity
How does it to do with CrossSale product?
Quantity is never desgined to tell you how many you need to restock. It's used to prevent your customer to place the out of stock items. If you wish to allow your customers to order out of stock items, you will have to set Quantity to "Empty String" so that it doesn't track the stock quantity any more.
If you wish us to provide you the restock report feature, please feel free to post to Suggestions and Feedback forums.
DotShoppingCart Staff
4/24/2009 2:15:52 PM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Sale or CrossSale of a Product with Negative Quantity
 Hi Luke, 
It is a Bug in DSC, when the quantity is negative
say : -8 for a crossaale product :
It shows a message to the user , that is not needed :
-8 following items have been added to your shopping cart. You selected 1 but we only have -8 in stock.
Then after proceed to checkout , There are 8 items selected with Price * 8 and no way to edit the Quantity of the crosssale product
The totals are wrong..
This is a Bug due to negative Qunatities.
If you like I can email you the Images . or you can test in our site :
Choose the first product or the first category  proceed with the crosssale item
4/24/2009 2:49:38 PM
Posts: 2109
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Location:WA, US
Re: Adding a CrossSale Product with Negative Quantity
You should never use negative quantities. In the next version we will put the validtion to prevent the negative quantities getting into the system.
DotShoppingCart Staff
4/25/2009 12:07:25 AM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Sale or CrossSale of a Product with Negative Quantity
 Hi Luke,
There are two distinct entities :
1 - The Quantity of an Item in E-commerce Database ( Positive, 0 , Negative )  = Stock Qunatity
2 - The Quantity of the item in the Cart which user selects or sets ( any value )  = Order Quantity
At This time DSC can not handle the Sale and (CrossSale) of an item with  Negative Stock Qty by  mixing Stock Quantity value in place of Order Qunatity Value.
Note that This is not an enhancement or feature to post for the next version. We need the patch since it is blocked our online-purchase.
4/25/2009 8:23:49 AM
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Re: Sale of a Product with Negative Stock Quantity
I don't understand the issue. Please post back the screenshot.
DotShoppingCart Staff
4/25/2009 11:43:49 AM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Sale of a Product with Negative Stock Quantity
Hi Luke,
You can test this on your Test website too :
1- Consider a product, assue price is 100$
2- Go to admin and Edit Qty to minus somthing let say -5
3 Select this product for checkout and you see the cart result is 5 items of 100$ each with total of $500
4/25/2009 1:37:47 PM
Posts: 2109
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Location:WA, US
Re: Sale of a Product with Negative Stock Quantity
Again, please don't use negative quantity. It's not designed that way.
DotShoppingCart Staff
4/25/2009 5:24:42 PM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Sale of a Product with Negative Stock Quantity
Hi Luke,
It seems we are repeating the conversation,
Which Qty you mean I should not use :
Stock Qty or Cart Item ( Order ) Qty.
Stock Qty can be any value due to nature of business. The Inventory Update Query Every day , updated the Stock Qty.
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