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Last Post 8/6/2009 9:43:25 AM By Bahram. 4 replies.
8/5/2009 12:22:18 PM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Order failure email to customer
 Hi Luke,
If an Order fails due to any reason, The customer needs to notified by email too. Does next version supports this feature, If not Hw can i implement.
8/5/2009 3:17:19 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Order failure email to customer
No, it's not in the plan. You could customize the email orderpipeline provider yourself.
DotShoppingCart Staff
8/5/2009 3:40:07 PM
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Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Order failure email to customer
But you have messaged in this post about the next version. So please let me know what will be in next version and what we have to do ourselves.
8/5/2009 3:51:56 PM
Posts: 2109
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Location:WA, US
Re: Order failure email to customer
That thread was talking about the credit card authorization failure. That feature has been already implemented and will be ready once the new version is released.
DotShoppingCart Staff
8/6/2009 9:43:25 AM
Posts: 878
Joined: 12/8/2008
Location:Vancouver, BC Canada
Re: Order failure email to customer
This is the error message :
LongMessage: This transaction cannot be processed. ShortMessage: Processor Decline ErrorCode: 15005
What error codes are handled in next versions and how can i habdle the rest. please give me the source files or projects I need to touch.