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Last Post 10/15/2009 9:14:26 PM By lukezy. 5 replies.
10/13/2009 7:46:19 AM
Posts: 181
Joined: 4/13/2009
Users query on the Admin\Users Page
Hey Luke,
I created a role called sales rep, a while back and customers are assigned to sales reps.
I want to give sales rep access to login and create orders for their customers from the switch button. Whats the best way to do that?
I was thinking of adding one more tab to the my account web part on the front end, where the users will be displayed in the same way as the Admin\users page but only users that are assigned to the logged in sales rep.
Is there a better way to do this?
Also how do i modify the query for the user list on the admin\users page to include sales rep in there? "SalesRep" is a field in the user table that stores the username of the sales rep assigned to each customer.
10/14/2009 7:18:47 AM
Posts: 181
Joined: 4/13/2009
Re: Users query on the Admin\Users Page
Anything on this???
I did the step that I mentioned above, create the similar page as a tab in my account in front end. I need to modify the users query to display only customers assigned to the logged in sales rep. Right now its displaying all the customers. Any Ideas?
10/14/2009 10:14:13 AM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Users query on the Admin\Users Page
How do you assign the customers to the sale rep? I think you created another table. If so, you can use that table to show the customers who are assigned to the sales rep.
DotShoppingCart Staff
10/14/2009 10:20:32 AM
Posts: 181
Joined: 4/13/2009
Re: Users query on the Admin\Users Page
I added one column in DSC_USER table that stores the userID of the SalesRep assigned. I just need to filter the view on users page to display the users where salesrep = logged in username.
10/14/2009 1:28:20 PM
Posts: 181
Joined: 4/13/2009
Re: Users query on the Admin\Users Page
Hey Luke,
I need to create a new stored procedure similar to DSC_User_Search with one more parameter SalesRep. I am trying to modify this, but its little confusing. Can you please help.
Where all do i need to added my parameter for search?? Also @asc is which parameter? What does it do?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DSC_User_Custom_Search]
@keywords NVARCHAR (MAX)=NULL, @from DATETIME='17530101', @to DATETIME='99991231', @rowsPerPage INT=24, @rowIndex INT=0, @salesRep NVARCHAR(265), @orderBy NVARCHAR (100)='created', @asc BIT=0, @totalUsers INT OUTPUT
    CREATE TABLE #userAll (rowNumber INT PRIMARY KEY, userId INT, CreateDate DATETIME, Email NVARCHAR(256))

    IF (@asc = 1)
        SET @ASC_DESC = ''
        SET @ASC_DESC = ' DESC'

    DECLARE @KeywordMatchedUsers NVARCHAR(MAX)
    SET        @KeywordMatchedUsers = ''
    IF ((@keywords IS NOT NULL) AND (LEN(@keywords) > 0))
            SELECT    @KeywordMatchedUsers = @KeywordMatchedUsers + '
                (SELECT  u.userId
                FROM    users usersToCheck
                JOIN    dbo.DSC_User u
                        ON usersToCheck.userId = u.userId
                WHERE   CONTAINS(u.*,' + QUOTENAME(dbo.DSC_Escape(dbo.DSC_Escape(Value, N'\'), N';'), '''') +  ')
                SELECT  u.userId
                FROM    users u
                JOIN    dbo.DSC_Address a
                        ON (a.userId = u.userId) AND (a.isBilling = 1)
                WHERE    CONTAINS(a.*,' + QUOTENAME(dbo.DSC_Escape(dbo.DSC_Escape(Value, N'\'), N';'), '''') +  ')
                SELECT  u.userId
                FROM    users u
                JOIN    aspnet_Users aspUser
                        ON (aspUser.LoweredUserName = u.UserName) AND (aspUser.ApplicationId = ''0d663bb4-8150-479b-880d-cca0342f9e35'')
                JOIN    aspnet_Membership aspMembership
                        ON (aspMembership.UserId = aspUser.UserId) AND (aspMembership.ApplicationId = ''0d663bb4-8150-479b-880d-cca0342f9e35'')
                WHERE    CONTAINS(aspMembership.*,' + QUOTENAME(dbo.DSC_Escape(dbo.DSC_Escape(Value, N'\'), N';'), '''') +  '))
            FROM    DSC_Parse_Values(@keywords, DEFAULT)
            SET        @KeywordMatchedUsers = LEFT(@KeywordMatchedUsers, LEN(@KeywordMatchedUsers) - 9) -- remove tailing INTERSECT
        SET @KeywordMatchedUsers = 'SELECT userId FROM users'

    DECLARE @searchStatement NVARCHAR(MAX)
    SET        @searchStatement = '
    ;WITH  users AS
        SELECT    u.userId, u.UserName
        FROM    dbo.DSC_User u
        WHERE    u.userName <> ''_DSCRoot_''
        AND        @from <= u.created
        AND        u.created <= @to
    keywordMatchedUsers AS
    (' + @KeywordMatchedUsers + '
    matchedUsers AS
        SELECT    DISTINCT userId
        FROM    keywordMatchedUsers
    INSERT INTO #userAll
    SELECT    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + QUOTENAME(@OrderBy) + @ASC_DESC + ') AS RowNumber, mu.userId, u.created, aspMembership.Email
    FROM    matchedUsers mu
    JOIN    DSC_User u
            ON u.userId = mu.userId
    JOIN    aspnet_Users aspUser
            ON (aspUser.LoweredUserName = u.UserName) AND (aspUser.ApplicationId = ''0d663bb4-8150-479b-880d-cca0342f9e35'')
    JOIN    aspnet_Membership aspMembership
            ON (aspMembership.UserId = aspUser.UserId) AND (aspMembership.ApplicationId = ''0d663bb4-8150-479b-880d-cca0342f9e35'')'

    --PRINT    @searchStatement
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @searchStatement, N'@from DATETIME, @to DATETIME', @from, @to

    SELECT    @totalUsers = COUNT(*)
    FROM    #userAll

    SELECT    *
    INTO    #user
    FROM    #userAll u
    WHERE    u.RowNumber BETWEEN @rowIndex + 1 AND @rowIndex + @rowsPerPage
    ORDER BY u.RowNumber

    DROP TABLE #userAll

    EXEC DSC_User_GetByTempTable

    DROP TABLE #user
10/15/2009 9:14:26 PM
Posts: 2109
Joined: 6/12/2007
Location:WA, US
Re: Users query on the Admin\Users Page
You don't need to touch other parameters. Just add @salesRep to the end and then add it to the where clause of the select statement.
DotShoppingCart Staff