Watch install guide video. Use the following procedure to install DotShoppingCart.
1. Install Windows 2008 Server with IIS 7 enabled
2. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or later
You could get the free version Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Express Edition with Advanced Services. Please download either SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe for 64bit OS or SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe for 32bit OS. Make sure you install the all the features including Full-Text Search and Client Components.
3. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
From V3 you can have two ways to install, Microsoft Web Platform Installer or the install utility InstDSC.exe .
Use InstDSC.exe to install DotShoppingCart
1. Download the install package and unzip all files into a local directory on your server
If you are running on Vista or Windows 2008 server OS, make sure you open command window (right click) run as administrator to get enough permission for the following steps.
2. Go to "Install" sub folder of the unzipped directory and run
InstDSC.exe <database server name> <database name> [<smtp email server>] [<system email address>]
For example,
InstDSC.exe .\SQLExpress dotshoppingcart
If you have space in your path, please add double quotes around the path.
3. Start IIS manager (inetmgr) and create either a new site or application pointing to the "Web" sub folder that you unzipped in step 1. Configure app poll to use .Net Framework v4 and "Integrated" in the managed pipeline mode. Also you need to configure the application pool to use "Network Service" identity via Advanced Settings -> Process Model -> Identity select Built-in account "NetworkService".
4. Grant the Modify permission of the file Web\DSC.config and sub folders web\App_Data, web\App_Themes, web\Files and web\Images to "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE"
Use Microsoft Web Platform Installer
2. Start Web Platform Install and go to Web Applications -> eCommerce and select DotShoppingCart to install
3. Follow the instructions to complete the install.
Notice the Search feature doesn't work if you use
Microsoft Web Platform Installer (WPI) to install SQL Server Express editon. It's because WPI doesn't install the SQL Server Express editon with Advanced Services. The edtion with Advanced Services includes the fulltext index service which is required for the Search feature to work correctly. What you can do is to install
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition with Advanced Services on top of the exisiting SQL Server Express.