an ASP.NET Open Source CMS & eCommerce platform
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Getting Started Guide
System Requirements for DotShoppingCart

Ensure your system is set up to support DotShoppingCart.

Install DotShoppingCart

Watch install guide video. Use the following procedure to install DotShoppingCart. 

Install DotShoppingCart Manually

The manual installation steps are suitable for the shared hosting plans without remote desktop access to the server. We strongly recommend to use at least dedicated plan since you can tighten the most security settings including enabling important data encryption in database.

Install DotShoppingCart OpenSource Edition V3

Watch install guide video. Use the following procedure to install DotShoppingCart. 

Site Setup Checklist

Follow the site setup checklist to get your site up running in minutes.

Migrate From Previous Versions
If you are running previous version of DotShoppingCart, you could do the following steps to migrate to the new version.
1) Make a backup of all your stuffs for the current verion including installed folders and database
2) Find SQL migration scripts in the Migration folder of the download zip package. And then run the migration script to upgrade your database. You will need to find your current version by going to the store admin and checking the bottom. And then run the migration scripts starting from low to high. E.g. your current version is V3.0, you will need to run the following scripts one after another
3) Unzip the install package and merge your current configuration settings for files web.config, DSC.config into the new version.
4) If you have customization made into the existing files, you might want to merge your customization to the new version as well.
5) Copy the new version on top of the existing one.
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