an ASP.NET Open Source CMS & eCommerce platform
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Edit Page

There are two ways to enable page editor to edit page.

1) In Content -> Pages find the page that you wish to edit in the page list. Click "Edit" button to start editing.

2) Log in as admin and go to the page that you wish to edit. Click "Enable Page Editor" on the top left corner of the page.

Here are the descriptions for the fields in the Edit Page section.
  • Page Name
The name of the page. We recommend use  English string for this field because it's part of the URL for that page. The URL is <your site>/<page group path>/<Page Name>.aspx . If you want to display the page as the localized string, use Title (see below).
  • Page Group
Select the page group for the page.
  • Sort Order
Set the integer for this field. When user clicks the Page Group URL the default page gets displayed. The default page is the page with the smallest Sort Order in the current page group.
  • Require Registered
Check this if you want the user to be registered user in order to view the content.
  • Title
Page Title is SEO field. You can localized string for this.
  • Description
Page Description is SEO field. You can localized string for this.
  • Keywords
Page Keywords is SEO field. Use commas to seperate keywords.
  • Extra Head Data
Put any extra meta tags that you wish to display. E.g. <meta name="google-site-verification" content="blah" />
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