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New features in V3.1
There are a lot of bug fixes made into DotShoppingCart V3.1. Along with the bug fixes you can find a few new features as follows.
Block Templates & Aliases
The page editor gets an important feature added. Now you can create block template and block alias from any existing block or block container. Basically you can turn any of your page into a page template which can be reused in any other pages. This makes creating pages in DotShoppingCart easier than ever. Watch Page Editor In Deption screen cast.
Product Status
If you want to disable the product, you can use "Product Status" field when you edit the product.
Appy Coupon to Product
You can now create coupon code just for a product.
Edit Order Item Custom Field
There is a custom field in order item. Now you can edit the field which is viewable to your customers. You can use that to add any information about the order item e.g. product serial number etc.
New Category List Block
Previously we created a blog entry describing how you can customize the Category List block. Now it's supported out of the box. The new category list block does that when shopper clicks one top level category its sub categories expand. Click the same category again to collapse the sub categories.
Product Search Result Pagination
The product search results used to max at 50 products. Now it supports pagination.
Please send link demo( V3.1)
sources of 3.0?
Is it possible download sources of 3.0? 
Can you let us know when you release version 4.0 ?
It scheduled due in middle of this year.
V4 should be ready in a month or two.
Thanks !
We purchased V3 3 months ago ( actually V3.1). Can we upgrade to v4 with no cost ?
Yes, any purchase comes with one year free upgrade. You should be able to get V4 with no charge.
Can I  Recive this ASP.NET Open Source CMS ?
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