Hi Lukezy
Thank you for your assistance.
I have completed the following task as mentioned in this post. I was using it as a windows service before this.
I have set up the break points as mentioned and stepped into it but I am not sure what i should be looking for as no errors appeared and it stepped into the start functions and then i continued with F11 and project loaded. I assume this is correct.
The Orderpipeline still is still not working and there are no errors in my event viewer. I noticed when the server was restarted the Dotshoppingcart.Commercial.Orderpipelineservice.exe was runinng in my processes and errors in the event viewer for the orderpipeline were present
If i have set this up as a web service and not a windows will i need to unistalll the service?
Here is the errro i am getting on start up.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: DotShoppingCart
Event Category: None
Event ID: 100
Date: 22/10/2008
Time: 11:18:40
User: N/A
Computer: SPARE
Timestamp: 22/10/2008 10:18:40
Message: HandlingInstanceID: 086aaffd-7ad6-49c3-a9f8-2350d21d6d3b
An exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred and was caught.
10/22/2008 11:18:40
Type : System.ArgumentException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
Message : Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'host' Key being added: 'host'
Source : mscorlib
Help link :
ParamName :
Data : System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite : Void Add(System.Object, System.Object)
Stack Trace : at System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal.Add(Object key, Object value)
at DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.TaskProvider.Proccess(String host, IConfigurationSource cfgSrc)
at DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.ProcessorProvider.Run()
at DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipeline.RunnableProvider.StartRun()
Additional Info:
MachineName : SPARE
TimeStamp : 22/10/2008 10:18:40
FullName : Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
AppDomainName : DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipelineService.exe
ThreadIdentity :
Category: General
Priority: 0
EventId: 100
Severity: Error
Title:Enterprise Library Exception Handling
Machine: SPARE
Application Domain: DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipelineService.exe
Process Id: 2016
Process Name: C:\BT2\DotShoppingCartSuiteV2.53\Install\OrderPipeline\DotShoppingCart.Commercial.OrderPipelineService.exe
Win32 Thread Id: 624
Thread Name:
Extended Properties:
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.