Hi Lukezy
This is my settings for our web.config
<smtp deliveryMethod="network">
<network host="mail.xxxxx.com" userName="support@xxxxx.com" password="switzers" port="25" defaultCredentials="true" />
Our mail server is on different machine to our web server.
Dot shoppingcart does not send orders to addresses thatare not of the same domain name ie ciaran@newmedia.ie.
I created a test script which did not work but when i added
SmtpClient s = new SmtpClient("mail.xxxx.com", 25);
s.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
s.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password"); It worked.
It only seems to work when I add the System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password").
But i dont have this option to edit the email code to add this? Is there anything I can do?