Now we are back again to the point of Testing Bulk Import, this time for V4.
Things are not working as you stated or expected. I deleted all Category, products, etc and two merged the Import files into one.
Bulk Import splits the products into multiple categories i.e.
I have this
Data Loggers:SmartReader Plus ......... 56 Products of this Category
Parameter:Temperature 13 Products of the above
Parameters:Pressure 14 Products of the above
Parameters:Process Signal 13 Products of the above
Parameters:Pulse 2 Products of the above
At the end I have only 14 products under the Data Loggers:SmartReader Plus instead of 56
14 = 56 -(13+14+13+2)
and I have no image of the products too
I also have a top level Category for SmartReader Plus (second level) with 30 products.
All the data was in one import file and BulK import distributed data (product with same sku) under new categories it found, instead of creating new category-product-mapping record.
The procedure also lost the trace of the categories that created two top Level categories for two second level categories.