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Manage Content Groups
Add Content Group

Other CMS system calls this category. Since DotShoppingCart has already the product category we use content group rather than category to avoid confusion. You use content group to group articles together. Content groups can be orgnized as tree style hierarchy. You put sub content groups under one content group. When user clicks to see the content group all the articles under the content group including sub content groups will be dispalyed. 

To add a content group, in Content -> Content click "Add" button. Enter a unique content group name.  In Parent Group choose a parent group that you want to put the current group under. Choose "Top Level" if you don't want parent for the group. The default view is how the content group will be displayed. Article View is what you usually see from someone's blog, e.g. DotShoppingCart Blog. Hierarchy view is what you usually see from online help or FAQ. Forum view makes it a forum. Choose the view that you wish to display the content. Enter sort order for the content group. The sort order affects views other than Article View. The artcile view uses the created time of the articles to decide the order article displays. In other views the value of sort order decides which conent group displays first. The smaller value of sort order the higher priority it displays. Set the correct permission for the content groups. Click"Add" button to save the changes.

Edit Content Group

In Content -> Content, select the content group that you wish to edit in the content group tree view. Clickn"Edit" button on the top to start editing the content group. Click "Update" button after you are done.

View Content Group

In Content -> Content, select the content group that you wish to edit in the content group tree view. Clickn"View" button on the top and you will be redirected to the content group page. The url of the content group page is search engine optimized. You could create links to the content page by using the url.

Delete Content Group

In Content -> Content, select the content group that you wish to delete in the content group tree view. Clickn"Delete" button on the top to delete the content group. Notice you have to delete any sub content groups and articles under the content group before the content group can be deleted.

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