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Managing Categories
Add Category

In Catalog -> Categories, you should see "Add a New Category" form which you could use to add a new category. In Category Name enter an unique category name. Categories could be formed in a tree style. Pick up a parent category in the Parent Category drop down list. If you wish to add a category without parent, use "Top Level". Upload an image for the category and category description if applicable. Both of these are not being used currently. They will be used in the future release. Enter a number to Sort Order which allows you to set the order of how categories are displayed. The smaller number that you assign it in Sort Order, the higher order the category is displayed. Expand Depth is the number of levels that are display in the category side box. You could leave it as the default value 2. Click Display Useful Links checkbox if you want to display the category links breaking down into price ranges and manufacturers. In Price Ranges you could define the boundary price values that break down into price range. Enter a list of prices separated by commas. For example, you enter 10.00,20.00,30.00 to show range $0.00 - $10.00, $10.00 - $20.00, $20.00 - up. Don't enter dollar sign. Click "Add" button when you are done.

Edit Category

In Catalog -> Categories, you will see a tree list of categories if you have already defined categories. Click the category that you wish to edit. You will be shown the detail about the category and action buttons on the bottom. Click "Edit Category" to start editing. Just like Add Category you could edit the fields for the category. Click "Update" button to save your change.

Delete Category

In Catalog -> Categories, you will see a tree list of categories if you have already defined categories. Click the category that you wish to delete. You will be shown the detail about the category and action buttons on the bottom. If you don't see "Delete Category" button it's because there are products in this category. You cannot delete the category that are having products. You have to delete the products in the category first. Click "Show Products in Category" button and you will be shown a list of products in this category. Remove all the products and then go back here. You should find the "Delete Category" button. Click the button to delete the category.

Display Products in Category

In Catalog -> Categories, you will see a tree list of categories if you have already defined categories. Click the category that you wish to delete. You will be shown the detail about the category and action buttons on the bottom. Click "Show Products in Category" button and will be shown a list of products in this category.

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