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New features in V4.1
In V4.1 we added a few new features and several bug fixes. Check the following for the major new features.
List Module
You can now create a List in your site and display it in any way you want. You can define custom template for the list to display. Here are the steps to create a list.
1. Create fields for the list
2. Enter data to the list
3. Define custom template to display the list.
 4. Display the list
User Input OrderTotal
If you would like to have your user to pay a donation in any amount, the new User Input OrderToal is a feature for you. By enabling your user can add any amount to the existing order during checkout.
Is multi store available in this version. 
I see it in roadmap for version 4.1. 
Not yet. Multi-store support will be in V4.2. You should expect it to be released about the end of July.
Any news about release of V4.2? 
Please check our roadmap.
 This feature is fancy and less actual use. Instead you must put your effort to efficiency of current product. i.e provide these useful and necessary modules :
Calendar, Captcha, Better Administarion and Content Management. 
Need the multiple store I think its really important to be able to do that.
need as well improvement on the admin tool maintainece and updates (permissions to view based on roles) we have users with more that one function and they need to be able to do only few functions with viewing the the whole list of options from the menu
CM tool need to be storenger with more templates and newer designes that fit. 
Sorry can I have any news about the version 4.2 release.
I see in roadmap is 9/2010.
Sorry, we are still testing on Multi-vendor support. V4.2 will be released by the end of Oct.
October is past and no news about version 4.2 release.
Sorry, but I really need multi-vendor for my business.
Sorry for the delay. We are adding a few addtional features to V4.2 e.g. social network integration,  upgrading to .net framework 4.0. It will be ready in about 2 weeks.
I watched the demo on
What I saw was that if I add something to the shopping-cart and pressed on my browser's back button, that the shopping-cart became empty again.
"Back" button in browser won't refresh the page. If you reload the page you should see cart having the item that you added.
V4.2 release is canceled?

No, still working on it.
Recent Comments
danny jones said ...
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molakaj said ...
What a great approach to the subject, I was looking for. Thanks for these tips http://www ...
jane said ...
Thank you for this useful information.
furnace parts said ...
Congrats on V4.0.....It is so easy to use  
Travis said ...
I just bought DSC Suite V4.5 and it is more solid then ever. I hope I am #1 buyer of this ...