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New features in V2.6
Product bulk import is the major feature in V2.6. Now you can work on the products offline and then import it into store admin easily. Several admin UI interfaces have been cleaned up and made consistent throughout the admin site. There are also several other admin improvements including File Management and user ghost feature.
Product Bulk Import
Now you can use offline tool such as Microsoft Excel or automation tool to create a product file. And then import products into the store admin. This will make stores having a large number of products happy. The product file format is basically a tab delimited text file. See the detail format from the online document.
File Manager
You can use File Manager to add, update and delete files.
User Ghost Feature
Sometimes your customers might have issue with the site but it's hard for them to explain the exact problem. You can now use the user ghost feature to log in as the customer. You could use it to investigate issues or place the order on behalf of the customer.
How do I update my current version? Where do I get the files?
Recent Comments
danny jones said ...
Hi... I am inexperiance to build up ECommenrce type sites.I have a little bits knowladge ...
molakaj said ...
What a great approach to the subject, I was looking for. Thanks for these tips http://www ...
jane said ...
Thank you for this useful information.
furnace parts said ...
Congrats on V4.0.....It is so easy to use  
Travis said ...
I just bought DSC Suite V4.5 and it is more solid then ever. I hope I am #1 buyer of this ...