I had people asking how to disable some UI pieces in some pages. Here are some detail questions and my answers.
1) how do I disable the action buttons e.g. "Ask a Question", "Update Alert", "Tell a Friend" in product detail page?
In web\store\ProductAction.aspx, find <asp:ImageButton id="btnAskQuestion", <asp:ImageButton id="btnUpdateAlert", <asp:ImageButton id="btnTellFriend" and put visible="false" inside the tag.
2) Remove register link
In web\controls\blocks\LoginMenu.ascx, remove line <li><a href="<%=SiteNavigation.RegisterPage %>">Register</a></li>.
In web\controls\core\Login.ascx, remove these lines.
<td class="logincell">
<asp:Button id="btnRegister" runat="server" text="Create New Account" />
In web\controls\core\Login.ascx.cs, remove these lines.
btnRegister.OnClientClick = string.Format("window.open('{0}{1}', '_self'); return false;",
SiteNavigation.RegisterPage, string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) ? "" : "?ReturnUrl=" + returnUrl);
3) Remove customer Reviews in product detail page
In web\store\Product.aspx, remove those lines
<td colspan="2">
<dsc:ProductReviews id="prvReview" runat="server" />
In web\store\Product.aspx.cs, remove those lines
prvReview.Product = product;
4) Remove Redeem Gift Certificate in shopping cart page
In web\store\Cart.aspx, find <asp:Panel id="pnlGiftCertificate" runat="server"> and put visible="false" inside the tag.