an ASP.NET Open Source CMS & eCommerce platform
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Full source code is now released. Enjoy!

DotShoppingCart Public License V1 full source code is now released at CodePlex. The remaining external dependencies are as follows. If you would like to compile these externals yourself, please follow the links to download the source code.

Recent Comments
danny jones said ...
Hi... I am inexperiance to build up ECommenrce type sites.I have a little bits knowladge ...
molakaj said ...
What a great approach to the subject, I was looking for. Thanks for these tips http://www ...
jane said ...
Thank you for this useful information.
furnace parts said ...
Congrats on V4.0.....It is so easy to use  
Travis said ...
I just bought DSC Suite V4.5 and it is more solid then ever. I hope I am #1 buyer of this ...